
Questions and answers

You can download it, along with its instructions, from the documents in the workplaces exposed to risks section.

*Google traduction

Contact your occupational physician, he can help you with the multidisciplinary team.

*Google traduction

The frequency is now adapted to the risk at work and the employee's state of health; we are moving from systematic monitoring to personalized individual monitoring: every 2 years maximum for high-risk positions, every 3 years max for others. We will send you the summons according to the doctor's decision.

*Google traduction

Faites vous aider par un proche, mais pas par votre employeur qui ne doit pas connaître vos données médicales.

Seek coaching on by a close friend, but not by your employer who does not have to know your medical data.

Fatevi aiutare da un vicino, ma non da il vostro datore di lavoro che non deve conoscere i vostri dati medici.

Procura ajuda por um amigo, mas não por seu empregador que não tem que saber seus dados médicos.

For the legislator, no; for the occupational physician, they require special monitoring, but no hiring visit prior to taking up the job.

*Google traduction

There is no longer a systematic recruitment examination; depending on the results of the questionnaire, this initial visit may be scheduled late by the doctor. We have planned a visit date which can last up to 3 years upon return of the questionnaire; you will receive a convocation in due course.

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Notify the Office, we will send a new questionnaire to the employer; the deadline for completing it is then only 10 days, before a work permit is refused.

*Google traduction

Send the sealed and franked envelope to "Office de la Médecine du travail, A L'ATTENTION DU MEDECIN DU TRAVAIL, 10 rue du Gabian 98000 MONACO"

*Google traduction

It is analyzed by the doctor who, depending on his data, schedules your initial visit sooner or later; it is then dematerialized by scanner in a secure file. It is not communicated to anyone and will be destroyed during your first visit with the doctor.

*Google traduction

If your employee is on vacation, traveling, etc., quickly notify your occupational physician's medical assistant who will tell you what to do.

*Google traduction

You will find the different types of medical examination here.

  • Your notification to attend,
  • Proof of identity,
  • Your vaccination record,
  • Any corrective lenses that you wear.

If you have had any recent illness, you should also bring your medical test results.

There is no cost to you. The cost of medical examinations is covered by social security contributions paid by employers.

Yes, you can ask to change an appointment by contacting the office of your occupational physician (contact details appear on your notification letter), subject to a minimum of 48 hours' notice.

Yes, time spent at the examination is considered as working time and you will be paid for it; your arrival and departure times will be noted on your fitness note.

Yes, the occupational physician decides whether examinations should be carried out more often based on risk, with or without additional tests (blood test, x-rays, etc.) These tests are organised by the OMT, or the employer in certain cases.

This is a mandatory examination; it is the employer's responsibility to ensure it is carried out. It is up to your employer to apply to the office of your occupational physician for an appointment, or to ask you to do so, before returning to work.

Yes, if the ability of your employee to do his/her job is affected, you can request an examination as long as you inform your employee ; the doctor in turn will reply in the strictest confidence with his opinion on the ability of your employee to continue working.

Toute déclaration d'aptitude ou d'inaptitude médicale peut faire l'objet, de la part du salarié ou de l'employeur concerné, d'une contestation devant une commission médicale instituée auprès de l'Office de la médecine du travail aux fins d'en obtenir la confirmation ou la réformation (Loi N°637 du 11 janvier 1958 modifiée). Le recours est adressé par lettre recommandée avec demande d’avis de réception postal, sous pli cacheté au Directeur de l’Office de la médecine du travail à l’attention de la Commission médicale dans un délai de quinze jours francs à compter de la date à laquelle la déclaration a été notifiée ou remise au requérant. Il énonce les motifs de la contestation.

Yes, you can request an appointment; the visit will be in complete confidence if no fitness note is required in respect of it. Contact the office of your occupational physician directly.

Consultations are conducted confidentially; the only information passed on to your employer concerns  your fitness to work or any adjustments necessary to your duties. The medical reason for these adjustments cannot be disclosed.   

Screening is carried out for diabetes, hepatic diseases (liver and gall bladder) and urinary tract diseases (kidneys, bladder, etc.)

If your job involves risk, or safeguarding against risk, the occupational physician may also look for certain toxins in your urine.

He/she will give you the information you need in order to make an informed decision about giving your consent.

Yes, when you come for your appointment you will receive all mandatory vaccinations and vaccinations recommended for public health, or in connection with your job, free of charge. For mandatory vaccinations you will receive notification from our nurses when you must attend.

This is a condition of his/her fitness note; the employee will be vaccinated by the OMT free of charge during his/her medical examination, and automatically recalled when it is time for a booster.

Yes, you should attend on the appointed date. If you need a vaccination you will be given a vaccination certificate.

Contact your occupational physician directly to notify him/her of your requirements. The multidisciplinary team will then suggest the most appropriate level of support for you.

Visits are free of charge. Only certain goods or consumables will be charged to the company, subject to prior agreement.

The Office of Occupational Medicine has an advisory role, there is no legal obligation to follow technical recommendations.

For any social rights issues, please contact the Monaco Social Security Office directly.